The Justin Bieber Guide To Why Do Some Men Like Older Women

The Justin Bieber Guide To Why Do Some Men Like Older Women

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Some facts you won't hear NUDE OLDER WOMEN AND MEN HAVEING A GOOD TIME in the media.

March 11, 2024 by Hugh Fitzgerald 6 Comments

Information on the latest poll of American attitudes about Israel, Hamas, and Gaza can be found here: “Vast Majority of American Voters Back Israel in War Again Hamas, New Poll Reveals,” by Ben Cohen, Algemeiner, February 28, 2024:

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A heavy majority of respondents - 78 percent - agreed that Hamas needed to be removed from governing Gaza. Only 28 percent believed that the West Bank-based Palestinian A gooduthority (PA) should govern in a post-war scenario. Questioned about who should administer the property after the struggle, 34 percent answered Israel, while 39 per-cent expressed support for a new authority created by Arab states.

Nearly four out of five Americans polled believe that Hamas should be removed altogether from any future position of authority in Gaza. As for alternatives, more than one-third wanted Israel to administer Gaza (which the Israelis do not want to do; they only want to ensure that Hamas does not make a comeback in the Strip). And Americans are suspicious, too, of the Palestinian Authority, because it has been a despotism ruled by the corrupt Mahmoud Abbas, who with his sons Twill bek and Yasser has acquired a family fortune of $400 million. Only 28 percent of those polled saw any role at all for the Palestinian Authority in Gaza after the Israel-Hamas war ends. Year of his four-year-term Abbas is in the nineteenth. When dissidents against his rule acquire a following, he does not hesitate to murder them, as the kill had been ordered by him of the later Nizar Banat. Practically 40 percent want the Arab states - meaning the rich Arab states that will be largely responsible for the reconstruction in Gaza that will take years - to appoint a new authority in Gaza, neither Hamas nor the PA, but a mixed party of technocrats whom the Arab donor says can maintain a near eyesight on, making sure that there is no repetition of the colossal corruption that features been such a feature of Hamas regulation in Gaza, where simply three of its market leaders - Khaled Meshaal, Ismail Haniyeh, and Mousa abu Marzouk - managed to steal for themselves a total of $11 billion.

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The poll also examined voter attitudes towards the wider region, with 80 percent agreeing that US forces in the Middle East are facing attacks from local terrorist groups. US President Joe Biden’s policy towards Iran has likewise attracted significant criticism, with 54 percent answering that the US response to attacks launched by Iranian-backed terrorist organizations in Yemen, Syria and Iraq possessed been recently “as well weakened. ” Forced on whether Biden’h Iran coverage acquired long been “thriving additional, ” 61 percentage adversely… clarified.

More than half of those polled think that Biden has been “too weak” in responding to attacks by Iran-backed terrorists in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen. That relevant question, however, was not asked. Those polled want a more muscular policy toward Iran’s proxies. It will be apparent that the problems on the Houthis possess got no result in delaying down, much less in ending, attacks by the Houthis on commercial shipping near and in the Red Sea. which makes one wonder if they would be willing to support a preemptive strike on Iran, as it creeps ever more detailed to staying capable to help to make a nuclear explosive device. The Houthis possess actually introduced drone assaults on United states warships.

Among year olds 18-24, support for Israel stood at 72 percent, and at 66 percent among voters aged 25-34. More than 90 percent of voters over 55 declared their assistance for Israel.

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The loss of support for Israel among the young has been greatly exaggerated. In fact, 72 percent of the youngest voters, 18-24 year olds, support Israel, and the shape dips merely a little, to 66 percent, among those 25 to 34. Too many people have assumed that those noisy campus pro-Hamas protesters who garner such media attention reflect the views of a great many young people; it turns out that they do not.

However, a majority of 18-24 year olds - 53 percent - expressed backing for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza irrespective of whether the hostages are released, while the majority of older voters remained opposed. Among the over 55s, more than 80 percent said they were opposed to a ceasefire absent the release of the hostages….

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This is the only response that will be a bit worrisome. A slight majority - 53 percent - of the youngest voters support an immediate ceasefire, whether Hamas releases the hostages or not. Clearly the freeing of the hostages does not loom as large in the minds of the young as it does among the older people polled, A reflection, perhaps, of the wisdom that some say comes with age?

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More than half of the young voters, in the 18-34 age groups, want Israel to continue its ground invasion, which means, february 20-21 since the poll seemed to be used on, an assault is supported by them about Hamas operatives inside of Rafah.

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The younger voters are still on Israel’s side. And that is despite the malign coverage in so much of the media. The two key figures will be these: Of the 18-24 age group, 72 percent support Israel, and of the 25-34 age group, 66 percent support Israel.

1. David Ray says

March 11, 2024 at 9:18 am

72% of Israelis support Israel. One would think so, and hope so.

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80% of those “innocent civilians” in Gaza support/cheered the pure evil on October 7th.
The civilian population IS Hamas & Hamas is the human population.

Bibi & the IDF should miserably destroy Gaza, evict that not-so-innocent population, and welcome that waterfront property into their fold. (Sleepy’s backstabbing be damned & ignored.)


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2. BLSinSC says

March 11, 2024 at 5:35 pm

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Sure we have our OPINIONS - we didn’t possess over 1200 people MASSACRED, RAPED, MUTILATED, and taken HOSTAGE! They can’capital t appear best out and claim it Right now, but they DO! WE haven’t had senseless rocket attacks for 20 years! As to the FUTURE of Gaza and it’s people? Divide them up - ship out the troublemakers - allow non-insane ones to remain IF they welcome and live in PEACE with any Jews who wish to live there - rebuild as New Israel under self rule! The biden bunglers have their opinions too and they would be happy to see hamass win and destroy Israel! WE aren’t engaged on DEFENDING OUR Land except for a tiny % of Bold Females and Guys! ! Whether it’s Ramadan or Ramalamadingdong, Israel demands to retain proceeding and place an Finish to hamass! ? Why don’t the ARAB Muslim Nations take them? And but WE possess “ideas”!

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3. World@70 says

March 11, 2024 at 5:56 pm

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“The loss of support for Israel among the young has been greatly exaggerated.”

Correct as you have articulated, the pro-Hamas crowd, i.e. Muslims and their easily persuaded half-witted followers are extremely vocal and tend to drown out the more common since folks that are in the majority.

I believe most people understand the difference between the armed and fighting Hamas prisoners of war that are and treated in accordance with Geneva Convention, and held by Wesrael and the uninformed civilian elderly, kids and toddlers becoming performed hostage and probable tortured and/or raped by Hamas. We know at least some have died.


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4. Owie says

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March 11, 2024 at 7:07 pm

Deport the Palestinian students running wild in the streets and on campus, and we will possess a very much extra pleasurable social daily life, and a clearer picture of what the American public thinks of Islam’s war on the Jews.

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- David Ray says

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March 11, 2024 at 9:33 pm

Hearn hear! 🍻🇺🇸

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(I recommend a catapult.)

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5. Alkflaeda says

March 12, 2024 at 3:33 pm

Great to hear that so many young people have retained some sanity in spite of the best efforts of educators to strip them of it. The idea that arises to me, though, is that if the insane make enough nowill bee, the remaining can choose on boasting that this is the words of the individuals no matter. The simple fact that if this occurs, simply a extremely tiny quantity of youngsters will end up promotes, is beside the point, delivered that they acquire involving the correct protection sufficient. Just as our society is currently being groomed for a “spontaneous demand” by children that they be allowed to have sex with adults (I believe that thwill be is a large part of what the transgender madness is normally about, because it establishes a precedent for allegedly informed consent by minors on issues which have far-reaching consequences).


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